Thursday, January 18, 2007

Political Compass

You should take this ( ) test. It uses a very different means of idnetifying people's political orinetation than the almost rock solid red state/blue state distinction we hear in the US. They use a graph with two different axes: social and economic. On the social axis are libertarian and authoritarian. And on the economic are left (liberal) and right (conservative). Keep in mind that liberal and conservative are not the same as what we think they are here in the US. Liberals, under this system, would actually be Republicans and conservatives would be Democrats, economically speaking.

I've taken this test several times over the past few years and I have recently undergone a pretty drastic change in the place I show up on. I need to look up where I showed up the first time I took it. That'd be interesting.

1 comment:

Anglopressy said...

Your political compass