Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hopes and Expectations

I've started this group blog so that you (my friends) and I can expose one another to our thoughts and views on faith, doctrine, art, relationships, etc. These are the things that (I believe) comprise real, good theology. Integrating these areas together under the title of theology exemplifies Soli Deo Gloria.

I've invited people in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Houston, Indiana, Canada and Spain to participate in this group because 1) they are my friends and 2) they all have a tremendous ability to reflect on all of the things I'm looking for in this blog. And if any one of you feels that someone you know that the rest of us don't needs to be on this blog, don't hesitate to invite them. This is not something that I started to have some dictatorial power over. So, post away and please make responses thoughtful, above all things.

Grace and Peace,


Anglopressy said...

I'm glad that there are already responses, and from two of my favorite people. I am not glad that i'm so stupid that I didn't check the spelling on the blog name. Wow! Nice, huh?

Now let's overcome some distnance.

Anglopressy said...


I think you should try to start things off. I'd like to get a sample of what you've been writing and thinking about over the past year.